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We Welcome Our New Employees to SMJ

Since the turn of the year, we have successfully recruited 12 new colleagues, including some very experienced individuals, talents, and interns, making our workforce at @SMJ now exceed 50 people. In September, 5 more will join our team.

In other words, there are many people who are passionate about technological development, which is one of the cornerstones of a more sustainable society, including more environmentally and energy-efficient construction and food production.

We are pleased to have the framework and opportunities to employ these people. Through good collaboration with our clients and partners, we achieve goals together. These individuals bring skills and a willingness to contribute with EL & HVS knowledge to construction, expertise in salmon farming, data analysis, BIM, certified fire safety consulting, and energy consulting.

Below you can see all our new employees:

  • Hákun Eli Johannesen
  • Hans Vilhelm á Bakkanum
  • Rúni Eliassen
  • Torstein J. Fríðfinsson
  • Sunlin Olavsdóttir Askildsen
  • Atli Henriksen
  • Marcus Nielsen
  • Ahmed Dura
  • Aron D. Jacobsen
  • Rói Klementsen
  • Krista Maria Meinhardsdóttir
  • Puk Kristine Herløv Hansen
  • Karl Martin Eivindson Danielsen
  • Eivind Egholm Vørmadal
  • Tummas Tórbjørnsson Sæbúð
  • Helena Yngvadóttir Guttesen
  • Jákup Ziskason