Einki úrslit

Energy plan for The Municipality of Tórshavn

The municipality of Tórshavn is working to support the sustainability transition, and SMJ have provided advice on how the heating of homes and buildings can be organized within the municipality.

SMJ has for this purpose created a heating atlas that estimates the heating demand of each individual house in the Municipality of Tórshavn. This is used to conduct analyses of the correlation between energy consumption and location in relation to choice of energy solution. Based on these analyses, a plan has been presented, indicating which areas are most suitable for geothermal heating, heat pumps and district heating. In this project, GIS tools and data science have been used to work with data and to examine heat density. A specific plan has been made for which heating solutions are suitable in each area, along with recommendations regarding the placements.

Interested in Knowing More?

If you wish to know more about the project, or if you’re interested in a conversation with one of our staff members, feel free to contact us.

Pætur Jakobsen

Managing director

Project Management
Dánjal Tórgarð

Energy Consultant